
Factors Affecting Whiplash Injuries

There are many factors affecting whiplash injuries and the extent that they contribute to the severity of a whiplash injury. such as the direction of impact, the speed of impact, the size of the vehicles involved. your headrest position. and your posture at impact,...
Common Injuries from Whiplash

Common Injuries from Whiplash

  As we discussed briefly in an earlier post, Understanding Whiplash, whiplash injuries can manifest in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, cognitive changes and low back pain. Due to the fact that...

The Biomechanics of Whiplash Injury

In this article, we will teach you how whiplash injuries hurt you! The term “whiplash” was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyperflexion of the neck, which results in damage to the muscles,...